Sunday, August 3, 2008


...before I even press the shutter I just know that I'm going to get an awesome photo. I love it when that happens.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that I was working with a great family!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning photographs. I loved looking at them. You are going to make a ton of money at this!

Anonymous said...

You've gotta start numbering your photos so I can ask questions! ;) Love the b&w in the middle. What lens are you using in the first one that allows you to get such a big perspective?

Jen E. said...

So I don't check in for a while and you got ALL PRO on me!!! I am sitting here with my jaw wide open Sandy! You went from someone who was pretty much knew not a thing about photography -(right??) to a pro who is taking some awesome shots--and you did this FAST!!!
You definitely have THE EYE- and I cannot wait to see where this takes you... heck I am going to have to start asking YOU questions!!!!!!!!!!!