Monday, June 29, 2009
Celebrate Gettysburg Magazine July August Issue

Sweet Baby Boy
This one is a little different but I really love this shot. I seem to be on a dog kick lately! I just love how this sweet dog looks like he's already the protector of this sweet baby.
I wanted to do this scale shot with a bare bum sticking in the air but sometimes babies have other plans that makes taking off the diaper not such a great idea! He was a toughie to get to sleep so I didn't want to risk it! That's what I mean when I tell parents that I am totally at the mercy of the baby and sometimes all of my ideas go right out the window!
I've been humming, "He's got the whole world... in his hands... he's got the whole wide world, in his hands..." since I edited this one.This is why I love living in the area that I do. It's not uncommon for me to luck out and have this beautiful landscape right in their own back yard!
Monday, June 22, 2009
The prints she has here are 20x20 and the frames are from Ikea and can be found here.
I hope it inspires you to GO BIGGER and create an impact on your walls. I can think of no better way to replace that floral art print you bought at Target than with beautiful photos of your family!
This project is next on my own personal to-do list! Now I wonder if I could convince Rodney to fly out to CA for photos... oh but wait... her session fee is $525 and collections start at $1,200!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Birthday Girl!
Beautiful Miss K is turning two and when her mom contacted me to take some photos of her... I knew I really wanted to include some girly props because this little girl has FOUR big brothers! But boy oh boy do they adore her and look after her! She was so, so sweet for me and so much fun!!! These were taken at the most beautiful Catoctin Mountain Orchard. I try to always suggest this location to each client that requests outdoor photos because it's my absolute favorite place to photograph. It also doesn't hurt that I have wonderful family who own it and take fabulous care of the grounds!
Thank you so much especially to mom for being okay with the messy ice cream cone idea. I really had a blast!
Welcome Beautiful Baby
This beautiful little girl is welcomed by her adoring parents and proud big brother... and I was happy to be able to witness that. I graduated high school with this beautiful mom so I was thrilled when she called me to photograph her newest addition!
I hope you enjoy the sneak peek H family, there are many more to come!This one made me chuckle because he looks like he's saying, "These are MY cars lady." I love it!
It's Fathers Day and this one is what it's all about!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Picture Perfect
Thank you so much G family for having me over. Congrats to you both, your son is absolutely perfect!
Mom called the car dad's "other baby" so I knew I had to use it in a photograph. Sweet baby for a sweet ride!

Told ya he was picture perfect!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What to wear this summer!
Some of my fellow photographers very generously put together some gorgeous summer wardrobe ensembles for family sessions and since they allowed it, I thought I'd share few here. "What should we wear?" is usually the first question I am usually asked and I thought these photos were a great illustration of what coordinated but not matching means. I am a firm believer that clothes are an important decision in a family portrait, sometimes even more so than the location because clothes can add that interest and color that a location sometimes can't. I love accessories, layers and hats in a photo. These are pretty "safe" below but just imagine what these photos would look like with mom's favorite necklace and a summer scarf or a coordinated hat for the little girl. I could actually go back through several of my most recent family sessions and show you exactly what I think works well so please use my portfolio for your own inspiration too!
These clothes are actually available right now in stores. Makes me want to go shopping!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
You know those people you meet sometimes that just seem so geniune about the way they care for one another, the way they treat other people and just their outlook on life itself? That's how I felt about meeting the B family. I felt like I was just there in the background with my camera peaking in on their every day real lives. I must say that I was totally honored that they from Alexandria, VA to meet me in Frederick for photographs. I am humbled but really happy that I was able to capture some incredible moments between the three of them .
Thank you so much C & A for trusting me to capture your beautiful new family. It was truly my pleasure meeting you and I wish the three of you much happiness, luck and good health where your upcoming travels take you.
Anyone who is familiar with my work knows that I am a total sucker for shots like these but only when I can tell they are "real". And although I take some "traditional" family photos, they're never my favs :)
Even Prince Charming needs his rest.
Happy Father's Day to this lucky dad!! What a special gift he has received this year! :)