Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Almost New Year!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday! It's hard to believe that in just two days, it will be 2009. I'm super excited about the coming year!

In just a few short weeks, I'm going to be announcing my Valentine's Day special so stay tuned! Because I love photographing babies, 2009 also marks the unveiling of the Lucky Baby Plan, a special way to capture baby's first year.

I'm also adding some additions to my HUGELY popular photo jewelry line and will be making some changes to the boutique page on my website.

Lastly, if you subscribe to Frederick Magazine, check out page 20. My photo with my photo credit can be seen in the January edition. I'm also getting ready to shoot a feature for Celebrate Gettsyburg Magazine... busy times!

And because I'm in looooove with my new camera (and my little girl too), I'll leave you with my new favorite photograph of her doing what she loves to do best now, walk by herself.

Hope your 2009 is off to a great start!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

From My Family to Yours

Thank you to my clients, family and friends for helping to make this year more amazing for me than I ever thought possible! I've witnessed true happiness, true love and real beauty all year long... and I've had a fantastic time doing it.

I'm taking a much needed break for the rest of the month but will, of course, be finishing proofing, taking orders and checking emails. I'm also going to be taking this time to learn how to use my new camera (helloooo Canon 50D, I'm sorry to leave you sitting in a box for past last month but I have been too busy to learn how to use you properly!) so I may pop in here with a few photos of my lovely Madeline if she's a willing model.

I hope all of the families I've gotten to know realize how truely lucky they are this holiday season!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Beautiful C Family

Yesterday I photographed my last session for 2008 and what a great way to end the year. The C family welcomed twins 3 months ago and they are those kind of babies that you can't help but to comment at least every 5 minutes about how cute they are. Their big sister was so much fun to pretend play with and I really enjoyed her giggles all morning!

She has the most beautiful mural painted in her bedroom. Totally fitting for a princess!

Amazing eyelashes!

This photo happens to make me chuckle. I hope it's not symbolic of the next 18 years with these two. :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa's Gift

Christmas is pretty special to me. My daughter was born Christmas Eve and I joke with my husband that he has to find a way to top that gift at some point! But I know and he knows that there will never be a better gift than a baby. I think this couple knows it too.

Meeting this little guy was a treat. His smiles were adorable and he is about as sweet as they come. Santa did very well :) Thank you so much R & J for allowing me to photograph your beautiful family! These are just a few of my favorites because I have to get back to proofing before the round guy in the red suit comes down the chimney!

Wrapped around Santa's finger! Love this family photo!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I really enjoy maternity photography. I love being a part of something exciting to come, especially when it's for the first child for a happy couple. This beautiful new mom-to-be is just radiant... literally! I have it captured here to prove it! :) I think her husband is beaming with excitement and happiness as well! I just love this moment here.

Thank you K&R for being up for anything (even in the 13 degree weather!), for bringing a smile to my face when I look at these photos and for allowing me to photograph this special time for you!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mr. Dimples

This little handsome guy is about 2 months old and the word "sleep" apparently doesn't exist for him much during the day. Instead, he'd rather be soaking it all in and who can blame him really, there's so much to see and learn! His mommy was extra nice and super patient while we waited to for him to *try* to sleep. She broke out the blow dryer which worked like magic... until it was time to change his outfit, of course! Thank you so much K and little B! I really enjoyed meeting you both and hope to be able to do part 2 soon!

...as visions of sugar plums danced in his head! My favorite shot of the day.
I love the clarity of how gorgeous his eyes are here. Almost as much as I love how he has his lips puckered here!
Moms always get the best smiles from their babies!

A long day out on the ball field can make a little guy tired!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Soon to hit the newstands... Lucky Ladybug Photography

I just received my first offer for an assignment for Celebrate Gettysburg magazine. This story will appear in the March/April issue and rest assured, I will notify everyone when it hits the stands! But why wait til then really, go pick up a copy today and start Celebrating Gettysburg!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Lucky M Family

Not only does this really nice couple have an adorable and happy 2-year old, but they also were recently blessed with twin baby girls and oh how they made my heart sing!!! I couldn't wait to get home to edit this one... take a look at this moment captured!!

This one is one of my all-time favorite toddler shots. Love it because she loves her ducky and I love the way she has positioned herself right down to ducky's level for a big smooch!